Re-Claim, Re-Envision and Re-Purpose

The countdown is on to 2013 and what better time to look back on 2012 and reflect on days past, but to also refocus to 2013 and days yet to have begun.
To say that this past year was a roller coaster ride would be an understatement.....I'd say it was more like every single ride at any big amusement park all in one! The ups and downs have been unbelievable, both in good and bad ways.
New babies have been born and we also lost wonderful people much too soon. The circle of life was very apparent this year....
New homes were built, new chapters of life began and the memories of homes once had will be with us forever!
Time spent with friends and family was cherished and thoroughly enjoyed! 2013 will hold much more of this...I guarantee it!
A weekend at the lake this summer....

Travel, work, more travel, more work....this year there will be much more travel (fun travel) and much less work...I promise to work to live, not live to work!
A trip to Thunder Bay this to see first hand what our guys do day-in, day-out.
Lake Superior

Our world has also thrown some curveballs this year..some were hit out of the park in the most fun and exciting way, others, we completely struck out on! The Olympics were a perfect example of the world coming together, playing together and showcasing the best of the best! The human tragedies  and the absolutely crazy weather showed us the worst this world has to offer, but even through the worst, the best came out in people! ...I only hope that we can all take a step back, learn from what has occurred, try to treat eachother with more care and truly appreciate what we have!
My plan for 2013 goes back to my small business 'mantra'...
I will re-claim my life, refocus on me and taking care of myself, first and foremost. I will put on my "Oxygen Mask" and eat better, get back to the gym, take more time for activities I enjoy, get outside more......time to re-claim who I am!
Have more fun in 2013...and not only on weekends ;) !!

I will re-envision where I am heading in life. I am blessed to live a life that is holistically, a very happy and fulfilling way of being. That being said, there are areas I want to 're-jig', 'tweak' and revisit my vision. My small business, Rustic Retrievals, is one of them. I have a passion for home decor, styling and helping others create the home they have always's time to take it up a notch and really focus on this! I will also become a regulated health professional this year as a College of Kinesiologists has been established in the province of Ontario. This will open even more doors for my other passions....the human body, helping others and rehabilitation. Stay tuned!
I will re-purpose what I already have and keep reminding myself how very lucky I am to have what I have. This will be a year of 'less spending and more saving'. When I do spend, I will continue to focus on  supporting local shops and small businesses.
 I'm not only talking about material things....I will also continue to and constantly re-examine and re-visit relationships, my career, my goals and continually re-purpose, re-claim and re-envision all of these too!
2012 was quite a year....I look forward to what 2013 holds for me, my family and my friends!
Happy New Year from Charlie and I!!

"Oxygen Mask"

One of my recent posts was about looking back and reflecting....this post is about looking forward, planning and truly LIVING every single day.

Quite a few people are already talking about resolutions for 2012...but I have decided to start them now....immediately! Those of you who know me well, know I do not sit still all that well and what better way to keep moving then to keep pushing forward, set new goals and really focus on something that I hope is so very important to all of us..."Oxygen Mask".

I use this analogy quite often...when I'm out presenting to my work groups, when I'm speaking with friends...but, like a lot of us, a lot of the time, I forget to actually implement it myself. I was on a flight the other day and like every good airline steward/ess says during their pre-flight..."Please put the oxygen mask on yourself before trying to help others". Such a small sentiment but with such HUGE meaning!!

You MUST take care of yourself (mind, body and soul) before you can even begin to take care/help others! 'Oxygen Mask' is my #1 resolution...take care of myself before I can take care of others!

Like these 2 quotes say...see each day as a new beginning and begin each day with a deep breath (put on your 'Oxygen Mask' and the air begins to flow)! If the 'going gets tough' throughout your day, take a step back and "just breath".

A part of the 'Oxygen Mask' and taking care of yourself, is knowing yourself. Knowing who you are, what you stand for, where you want to go in life and how you want to get there, strengthens you in so many ways. The stronger you are in who you are (when you have your 'Oxygen Mask' fully on), you can begin to truly live every day of your life...and help others.

A HUGE percentage of everyday well being is you approach your day-to-day and everyday life..this is the oxygen flowing into that mask. This quote says it all.....

.........."then be" your own 'oxygen mask' and LIVE every single day of your life to the absolute fullest!