A New Year....

I have a mixed bunch of responses to the questions above as I look ahead into 2017. Parts of me say Yes and parts of me say No. Self improvement is a cornerstone of my existence but at the same time, when is good enough, good enough?

When I start really delving into something like this, one of my favourite Pearl Jam songs comes to mind...."Just Breathe"......

I can always be stronger and kinder, but I'm already strong and kind. I've experienced a lot of hard earned success in my 37 years, but I can always be better...Life can always be better and life is what we make it!

So...I'm deciding to do both. Be happy and content with the person I am today while also striving to be an even better me. Compassion, caring, kindness, happiness, strength.....I can say with 100% confidence I am and exude those features/attributes, yet, there is always room for improvement.

As long as I keep this smile on my face....keep breathing.... I can and will decide to be better...to get better....

Am I looking forward to the new year ahead?.....Heck yes!! We're already one month in and reflecting back on the past 28 days, I've already learned, grown and become stronger.

Our lives are what they make them and I choose to make mine the absolute best it can be!