Thank you....


All words to describe my feelings right at this moment...but also every day.....

Thankful for drives down country lanes...

Grateful for family dinners around the table...

Blessed to be able to grow and enjoy such beautiful bounty as this...

Happy to show gratitude for each and every day....

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!


Joie de Vivre!!

Life is what you make it....Life throws us curveballs...Life is a never ending roller coaster ride...Life is beautiful!

I'm taking some time today to reflect and be truly thankful for the life I have...the life I lead....and the life I have ahead of me.....



Giving Thanks...

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Happy Thanksgiving!
This is the time of year we gather together to give our thanks to family, friends, community and for all that we are lucky enough to have in our lives...
I am eternally thankful and appreciative for everything in my life....and sometimes it's the 'small stuff'...the 'everyday' events we can take for granted and forget to be thankful for.
Things like.......

... the simple pleasures of a long walk with a friend

..... the sun rising against the trees

.... the memories of loved ones lost
......nature's bounty
....sunsets and storm clouds
........the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
........a warm cup of comfort

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Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!